Sunday, September 27, 2009

My Family

You know that old saying "the cobblers children have no shoes?" That is very much the case at our house. I thought it was time for my own kids to suffer the delight of family pics, so I dressed them up, loaded them up, and headed out to take some fabulous pictures to hang on my wall. Quickly I learned that my own children are not near as obedient as other children when it comes to photo shoots. They would plaster the "lets just tolerate mom and get this over with" smile on their faces and stand still for about 3 seconds while I desperately tried to get a good shot. So while I am happy with the end results, just know that I had to work hard for these pictures!









  1. Jill, these are fantastic!! You have lovely subjects with whom to work. :)

    Is it me or have we not talked in ages?

  2. I LOVE these. What an adorable family! I particularly love Lucy's hair and cute outfit. You need to print and frame these!

  3. wow, so cute, I'm impressed by your work.

  4. These pictures are AMAZING!!!! I can't believe you were able to get such a great group shot of your own family.

  5. I love the one of the four kids about half way down..good job! I also like the goofy is way better than cheesy smiles that don't look like the real kid. You rock!

  6. dont you love how good the kids can look when they are all clean at the same time and dressed in clothes that match and fit right! too bad it is so dang much work or it might could happen more often!!!!!!

  7. Oh doesn't your heart just want to explode when you look at the one with all your kids lined up on the bench? You made them!!! Lucy is so beautiful. I love how those turned out Jill :)

  8. I love, love, love these! When can you do ours? I seriously want you to do them so bad!
